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Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Italian Job Opening Title Sequence.

Made By Paramount Pictures
The Paramount Logo is made up of a mountain and 22 stars. The logo has the name ‘Paramount’ above the mountains to show that they are above everybody else and better. The stars are there to indicate that they are a quality production company. Paramount Pictures is a VIACOM Company, VIACOM are an American Company that are primarily interested in TV and Cinema. VIACOM is currently the fourth largest media conglomerate behind The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner and the News Corporation.   

Title Scene-

In the Title Scene there is only a simple tune, without dialogue. The screen is small so that there is not too much given away. Below the scenes of the film, in the black border, there are the names of the actors and actresses involved. The scenes of the opening title are of people drawing up a plan of something. The maps also show a route leading to a place that we are unaware of. On the table there are dates and times on small post-it notes. The title ‘The Italian Job’ is the same size as the actor’s names and also those of the directors.


In the title sequence the images cut to the beat of the music and the cuts follow the pace of the tune. Because the editing speeds up as the music does it makes the scenes feel exciting and fast paced.

Opening Scene-

In the opening scene of ‘The Italian Job’ we are introduce to two of the main characters. The opening also gives us a hint that there might be some crime in the movie. The hints that we get are when the main actress asked if there was a receipt with the present she got and also when she mentions the probation officer. The main themes of the    

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